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PZC Minutes 09-18-2012
MEMBERS PRESENT:  Patrick Kennedy, Elizabeth Kuehnel, William Carroll
ALTERNATES PRESENT:  Stephanie Dexter (seated for Wilson), William Butter (seated for Foley)
STAFF PRESENT:  Michele Lipe, Town Planner
Appl. 12-43P, CT Studios, LLC—request for a 3 lot subdivision of 40+, on property located at R011A and 245 Chapel Rd, R008 John Fitch Blvd, and 240 Ellington Rd, I-291 Corridor Development zone


CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kennedy called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


NEW BUSINESS: Discussion/Decision/Action regarding the following:

  • Appl. 12-43P, CT Studios, LLC—request for a 3 lot subdivision of 40+, on property located at R011A and 245 Chapel Rd, R008 John Fitch Blvd, and 240 Ellington Rd, I-291 Corridor Development zone
Town Planner Michele Lipe gave staff comments:
1.  Request for approval of a subdivision to create 3 lots, on property located at R011A and 245 Chapel Rd, R008 John Fitch Blvd, and 240 Ellington Rd, I-291 Corridor Development zone. The site size is in excess of 40 acres.
2.  Minimum lot size required in the 5 acres, but can be reduced to 3 acres when being developed as a part of a consolidated parcel. The minimum lot size proposed is about 3 acres. The current frontage requirement in the I-291 zone is 150 feet along a public road; however no frontage is required if located on a private street.  Lot 1 has public road frontage; Lots 2 and 3 will have their frontage on the private road.  
3.  The front yard setback is 50 feet; side yard setback is 20 feet, and rear yard setback is 20 feet. Setback lines can be ignored along the common boundaries when the lot is a part of a consolidated parcel.
4.  The road configuration consists of a main entrance from Ellington Road traversing the property to Chapel Road.
5.  There is no requirement for open space for this subdivision.  The applicant is requesting a waiver for the street trees as the approved site plan shows street trees along a portion of the entrance drive.
6.  There will be an access road that will be built between Ellington Road and Chapel Road that will service all three properties. A sidewalk is shown on one side of the street along the roadway. A public easement has been provided.
7.  The site will be serviced by public water and public sewers. WPCA approval has been granted for the sewer connection to the studio buildings.  Additional approvals will be required as the site develops.
8.  STC approval has already been granted for a portion of the development and additional STC approval is needed as the site develops further.

If this application is approved, the Planning Department requests the following modifications:
  • An easement table shall be added to the plans;
  • Iron pins shall be shown at all property corners;
  • Sanitary sewer easement in favor of the town of South Windsor should be eliminated.
Commissioner Carroll asked for clarification on lot lines, sewers and utilities. Town Planner Lipe showed the lot lines and stated the plan reflects a sewer easement in favor of the Town over the private drive but it actually will be a private sewer and the Town is requiring an easement. The utilities will be in the private drive and the two lots that do not own the private drive will have right of way by way of an easement. Mr. Craig Stevenson stated all utilities except for the MDC water line will come from Chapel Road. MDC may come from Ellington Road.

Commission Carroll made a motion to approve with the following modifications:
1.  This approval is for 3 lots, numbered 1-3.
2.  Concrete sidewalks, built to Town specifications, shall be installed on one side of the private streets.
3.  Drainage and construction for this subdivision is subject to the approval of the Town Engineer.
4.  All lots shall be serviced by the Town of South Windsor sanitary sewer system and are subject to the approval of the Water Pollution Control Authority.
5.  Water shall be supplied to this subdivision by MDC.
6.  Street lighting shall be installed on streets, at intersections, and on cul-de-sacs in accordance with the policy established by the Chief of Police. Street lighting is to be coordinated with the Chief of Police (copy enclosed).
7.  Street names and locations of fire hydrants are subject to the approval of the Fire Marshal of the Town of South Windsor. Street names and supporting posts shall be installed by the developer in conformance with the standards of the Town of South Windsor, at no expense to the Town.
8.  A liability insurance policy shall be submitted to this Commission naming the Town of South Windsor as an insured, with a combined single limit for bodily injury and/or property damage in the amount of $1,000,000.
9.  Trees within the street trees easement and any other trees on land that is currently or will in the future become Town-owned land are to be planted in accordance with the enclosed Tree Planting Specifications.
10. All plans used in the field by the developer must bear the stamp and authorized signature of the Town of South Windsor.
11. All easements for conservation purposes, drainage or utilities, that may be required in connection with the approval of this subdivision, must be submitted on standard Town easement form where appropriate, to this Commission prior to filing the mylars and issuance of building permits. All deeds for open space, public improvements and roadways must be submitted prior to request for Town acceptance; all deeds must be in accordance with the policy for accepting deeds and must be approved by the Engineering Department and Town Attorney.
12. If, for any reason, finished grading and other individual lot site work is not completed, the Town Engineer shall determine the amount of a cash bond to ensure final grading and site work. This cash bond must be submitted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
13. Quantity estimates must be submitted to the Town Engineer (on the enclosed form) for the purpose of determining subdivision bonding. All bonds shall conform to the enclosed bond policy and shall be posted prior to filing the final plans in the Town Clerk’s office.
If the developer chooses to submit a Letter of Credit for a one year term, said Letter of Credit must be renewed on a yearly basis until completion of the development. If a new Letter of Credit has not been received within 30 days before the expiration date, the Commission may, at its option, call the Letter it is holding.
14. A drainage assessment fee in the amount of $150.00 shall be submitted to this Commission.
15. The Town Engineer’s review comments dated 9/18/12 must be incorporated into the final plans.
16. An easement table is required to be placed on the plans.
17. A street tree waiver has been granted in accordance with Section C.2.c.(3) of the Subdivision regulations.

Commissioner Kuehnel seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

  • Plan of Conservation and Development – Planimetrics Booklet 7 & Survey meeting with consultant
Heidi Samokar started the discussion about the Community Survey and distributed the results of the online survey about the future of Main Street which had gone out to the Commissioners to complete two months prior.
Ms. Samokar described how the first draft of the online Community Survey will be created and the best vehicles to promote it. Discussion followed about questions to include. Ms Samokar stated she will create a draft survey from the discussion in about a week and will get it back to the Commissioners for their approval. The goal is to have the survey up and running by mid October. The survey will run for about three weeks and the results will be discussed at a November meeting.

BONDS:  None




Commissioner Kuehnel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 PM. Commissioner Carroll seconded the motion. The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Lauren L Zarambo
Recording Secretary